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Fascia treatments 

I give personalised fascia treatments, a manual approach that focuses on the fascia: the connective tissue that spreads throughout and connects the whole human body.  In situations of trauma, bad posture, injuries, stress, etc., the fascias retract, causing pain, fatigue and an insufficient communication within the body. 
The treatments have a relaxing, re-harmonising and balancing action on the fascia. They restore suppleness through a soft touch and they are suitable for all types of patients, from infants to the elderly. Depending on the body's response, they are helpful for supporting musculoskeletal disorders, stress-related disorders, tension, digestive and/or sleeping problems, chest tightness, fatigue, as well as backache, headache and others.

As well, they are a good tool for anyone who wants to learn to listen to their own bodies and move in a healthier, more efficient way. I personally chose to get closer to this practice because it is not only based on listening to the inner movement of the body, but also on accompanying patients to awaken and get closer to their own self-healing force. 


Treatments are individual and last around 2h. 

Laeken, Brussels. 



+005491157218470 (WhatsApp)


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